

Artwork is a special commodity with aesthetic value and use function that is original to the artist and maker. Originality, aesthetic value and use of function are the three elements that make up a work of art. Originality means that the artwork must be created by or with the participation of the artist or maker. Imitation or reproduction in a sense is also a work of art, but must add the restriction of imitation or reproduction, generally suck called quasi-art. Because art is a spiritual product, originality is the life and personality of the artwork. Aesthetic value refers to the artwork should have appreciation value, can make people enjoy the eyes, temperament, purify the soul. That is to say, the content and form of the artwork should be worthy of taste, aesthetic value can also reflect the style and genre of the artwork. Use function refers to the artwork may have a decorative role, practical function or become an organic part of a building or environment, such as a beautifully carved door, that is, the artwork and can do practical use of the portal. Special commodity refers to the artwork is different from ordinary commodities, it is by the artist's artistic ideals and passion combined with the means of artistic expression and the creation of a spiritual mood of the materialized form. Or the artist gives the spiritual mood to some material carrier. The artwork itself is not a commodity, but only when the artwork enters the field of exchange, it shows the characteristics of a commodity.

The three elements of artworks: originality, aesthetic value, and use function.

Artworks are organically composed of two parts: content and form. The content contains both subject matter and theme.

The organic composition of artworks

Content: theme, subject matter

Form: structure, artistic language

Subject matter has two meanings. One is the scope or nature of the life and emotions expressed and depicted in the artwork.

It is also called the range of material. This is a broad concept. In a narrow sense, subject matter refers to the basic material that constitutes the content of the work, i.e., the specific life and emotions expressed in the work, i.e., the specific events, characters, scenery, environment, etc.

Theme refers to the core idea or central meaning of the art work. There are two basic conditions for the creation of a theme, one is the subject matter of the work, and the other is the author's thoughts and feelings.

The theme of a work is the ideological connotation implied by the subject matter, which is the subjective emotion of the author and the subject matter itself.

The theme of a work is the ideological connotation implied by the subject matter, and is the idea of social significance expressed in the interplay of the author's subjective feelings and the objective meaning of the subject matter itself.

The theme is often referred to as the soul of the work of art, and it is the dominant factor in the composition of the work of art.

The form of a work of art is composed of two factors: the inner structure and the outer artistic language.

The structure of a work of art is the style of internal association and organization between the various parts of the work and between the various elements of the subject matter. The purpose of the structure is to compose the various parts and elements of the work into an organic whole that is both harmonious and varied. In art works, structure is also called "layout" and "composition".

The language of art is the material means of expression of a work of art, the external form of the work. Each kind of art has its own unique language, and different kinds of art languages are made up of different kinds of material media. Art language consists of material factors such as paint, wood and stone, clay, metal, volume, area, color, line, brush and ink. Art language undertakes the tasks of portraying, narrating, and expressing emotions to shape artistic images and convey artistic contents. At the same time, art language also has an aesthetic function